OPTIMA FINAL CONFERENCE (Brussels, 16th February 2023)

21 February 2023


OPTIMA Final Conference was held on Thursday 16th February 2023, in Brussels. The event gathered 30 participants,including project consortium members, stakeholders from the rail industry, andvarious research centres. After the welcomes to the event form Matyas Obreczan(Project Officer) and Jose Bertolin (Project Coordinator), the first sessionwas dedicated to the general and technical introduction of the project  from Jose Bertolín (Project Coordinator),Gabriele Cecchetti (Technical Leader) and Lambert Granger (HW and SW provisionleader).

The design, development and validation of  a Communication Platform Demonstrator (CPD)to manage the link with different services to support TMS applications was themain objective of the OPTIMA project. During the second session of theconference the leaders of the different modules that constituted the CPDpresented the main results and outcomes achieved during the development phaseof the project.

Fabion Manzoni – Integration and persistence layer

Airy Magnien – Conceptual Data Model

Juan Cifuentes, Gabriele Cecchetti & Anthony Leib – Rail BusinessServices , Application Framework and Operator Workstations

The FinalSession of the Event focused on the validation of the CPD. Cristian Ulianov(Testing and Validation leader) described the overall validation process in theproject assisted by Daniel Kalášek and Angel Garcia Luengo who presented twoexamples of performed test cases (Weather and Passenger Information Systems).

< >Gabriele Cecchettiand Stefan Wegeler (SMO representative of X2RAIL-4) finished this session withthe presentation of  an specific task ofthe validation process, the one related to the testing and validation of theprototypes provided by X2RAIL-4. Stefan Wegeler illustrated it showing ademonstration of both platforms integration, main outcome of the collaborationstablished between X2RAIL-4 and OPTIMA. 

OPTIMA Final Conference finalized with theround of questions, the conclusion and the potential future exploitation of theresults.